Popular press referencing me or my work, in reverse-chronological order.
This is the complete list. For a selection of press articles about my work, click here.
(Entries in bold mention my name and/or quote me)
Microsoft’s SwiftKey Acquisition Could Make Mobile Apps More Productive. Wall Street Journal, February 4, 2016.
- kalq. Computer Sweden, ordlistan. 2015.
- Not my type. Medium. Paul C. Cumming, October 22, 2014.
We kunnen 48 procent sneller typen (waarom doen we het dan niet?). De Correspondent (Netherlands). Thalia Verkade, September 22, 2014.
AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs: Predictions for the State of AI and Robotics in 2025. Pew Research Internet Project. Aaron Smith and Janna Anderson, August 6, 2014.
Revolução digital, em nova versão, já bate na porta da geladeira. Folha de S. Paulo (Brazil). Isabel Fleck, June 1, 2014.
2025, el año de la conectividad total. CNN Expansión (Mexico). Carlos Fernández de Lara, May 20, 2014.
- Pew Research Survey Says 'Internet of Things' by 2025: Part 2. Latin Post. Keerthi Chandrashekar, May 19, 2014.
- The Internet of Things: panem et circenses for the masses?. Telecom TV. May 15, 2014.
- ¿Cómo será Internet en 2025? Estos expertos lo anticipan. Te Interesa (Spain). Marta G. Coloma, May 15, 2014.
- Falta de privacidad y sensores en los cartones de leche: así será Internet en 2025. La Informacion (Spain). Marta G. Coloma, May 15, 2014.
The Internet of Things will thrive by 2025. Pew Research Internet Project. Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie, May 14, 2014.
- The QWERTY Keyboard Is The Slow, Inefficient Sibling To Dvorak & KALQ Keyboards — So Why Are We Still Using It?. Bustle. Lulu Chang, April 29, 2014.
- Univeristy academics scoop RSE awards. The Saint. Rachel Miller, April 10, 2014.
- St Andrews academics scoop half the awards. Evening Telegraph. April 8, 2014.
- St Andrews academics win praise and prizes at Royal Society. St Andrews Citizen, p. 39. April 4, 2014.
Royal Society of Edinburgh’s highest accolades go to St Andrews academics. The Courier. April 3, 2014. (Press clip)
- Is QWERTY write for you?. The Boar. Claudia Geitner, March 6, 2014.
Phone's Wi-Fi hotspot acts as SOS beacon in disasters. New Scientist. Paul Marks, February 27, 2014.
A text-entry speed test: type or tap?. Financial Times. Rhymer Rigby, January 19, 2014. (Scan of paper article).
Daumen hoch. Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin (Germany). Tiziana Jill Beck, January 11, 2014.
Nos Bastidores da EmTech com Per Ola Kristensson. MIT Technology Review Brazil (Syndication). Translation by Elisa Matte, December 31, 2013.
Behind the scenes: Backstage at EmTech with Per Ola Kristensson. MIT Technology Review. December 30, 2013.
识差别软件多屏幕轻松看. MIT Technology Review China (Syndication). December 20, 2013.
- KALQ: Ένα καινοτόμο πληκτρολόγιο που ανακαθορίζει τη θέση των πλήκτρων [Android]. OS Arena (Greece). December 18, 2013.
The Courier Impact 100: positions 25-1 (11. Dr Per Ola Kristensson). The Courier. November 29, 2013.
- Textarbeit am Tablet. Basler Zeitung (Switzerland). Matthias Schüssler, 25 November, 2013.
Tastaturernes kamp. Jyllands-Posten (Denmark). Sole Bugge Møller, November 22, 2013.
Life after QWERTY. The Atlantic. Eleanor Smith, October 23, 2013.
- I cn haz KALQ lolz;). Twentyfour7, p. 13. Autumn, 2013.
- New keyboard for touchscreens. Max Planck Research, p. 42. Autumn, 2013.
Video: Innovators Under 35: Per Ola Kristensson, Lecturer, University of St. Andrews. MIT Technology Review. October 10, 2013.
- Om LiU-alumner. LiU magasin, p. 30 (Sweden). Autumn, 2013.
- 8 Inspiring Mobile Innovations From People Under 35. Float Mobile Learning. Gary Woodill, October 7, 2013.
Nuovi strumenti informatici indicano nuovi metodi di scrittura. MIT Technology Review Italy (Syndication). Ted Greenwald, September 28, 2013.
- A brave new world of 35 innovations. HP Blogs: Journey through Enterprise IT Services. E.G. Nadhan, September 17, 2013.
Jargon Watch: KALQ. Wired. Issue 21.09, September, 2013 (see also their tweet).
Will touchscreens finally kill the QWERTY layout?. SmartPlanet. Joe McKendrick, September 6, 2013.
University lecturer tipped as one of world's top innovators. STV News at Six. Jim Smith, August 28, 2013.
- St Andrews Scientist Tipped to Change the World!. Crowdsourcing.org (Repost). Jason Robbins, August 28, 2013.
Innovators Under 35: Visionaries. MIT Technology Review. August 26, 2013.
VIDEO: St Andrews University inventor has the keys to ‘transform world’. The Courier. Michael Alexander, August 23, 2013.
Scientist makes prestigious list. The Herald. August 23, 2013.
- Qwerty keyboard demise?. Compute Scotland. August 22, 2013.
Två svenskar bland årets innovatörer. Dagens Nyheter (Sweden). Omar Daham, August 22, 2013.
- Två svenskar bland världens smartaste under 35. Ny Teknik (Sweden). Marie Alpman, August 22, 2013.
New computing devices are inspiring new ways to input text. MIT Technology Review. Ted Greenwald, August 21, 2013.
35 Innovators Under 35. MIT Technology Review. August 21, 2013.
KALQ keyboard. Entry in Macmillan Dictionary. August 13, 2013.
- 这些梦想实现了. kaixian.tv (China). July 23, 2013.
- Writing quicker on touchscreens. Tempo (Philippines, syndication). July 3, 2013.
- لوحة مفاتيح تُسرع الكتابة على الشاشات اللمسية. Kuwait News (Syndication). June 24, 2013.
Tombol QWERTY Akan Digantikan KALQ?. The Epoch Times Indonesia. David McLaughlin, June 20, 2013.
Schneller schreiben auf dem Touchscreen – Neue Tastatursysteme. Focus (Germany, syndication). June 20, 2013.
- Schneller schreiben auf dem Touchscreen - Neue Tastatursysteme. Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany, syndication). June 20, 2013.
- Schneller Tippen auf dem Smartphone. Stuttgarter Nachrichten (Germany, syndication). June 20, 2013.
- Schneller schreiben auf dem Touchscreen - Neue Tastatursysteme. Weser Kurier (Germany, syndication). June 20, 2013.
- Schneller schreiben auf dem Touchscreen - Neue TastatursystemeLeipziger Volkszeitung (Germany, syndication). June 20, 2013.
- Schneller schreiben auf dem Touchscreen - Neue Tastatursysteme. Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany, syndication). June 20, 2013.
Telekommunikation - Software: Schneller schreiben auf dem Touchscreen - Neue Tastatursysteme. Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany, syndication). June 20, 2013.
- Schneller schreiben auf dem Touchscreen - Neue Tastatursysteme. Westdeutsche Zeitung (Germany, syndication). June 20, 2013.
Schneller schreiben auf dem Touchscreen - Neue Tastatursysteme. Deutsche Presse-Agentur (Germany). June 20, 2013.
- Flotter tippen auf dem Smartphone. Volksfreund. June 17, 2013.
El pulgar revoluciona los teclados. La Gran Época (Spain, translation). David McLaughlin, June 17, 2013.
- Pulgares más rápidos. La Revista El Universo (Ecuador). June 16, 2013.
- KALQ statt QWERTZ: Neuer Standard fürs Tippen?. TechFieber Network. Dieter Jirmann, June 14, 2013.
- Meet KALQ, a faster way to type on touchscreen devices. Xtreamer Magazine. June 12, 2013.
- Arriva la nuova tastiera comoda per digitare con i pollici: è KALQ!. ON Technologia (Italy). Sonia Coppola, June 12, 2013.
- Нова клавиатура за сензорни екрани. fakti.bg (Bulgaria). George Kasabov, June 12, 2013.
Meet KALQ, a faster way to type on touchscreen devices. DVICE. Megan Wollerton, June 11, 2013.
Non-QWERTY Keyboard Alleviates Clumsy Thumbs: It's KALQ-tacular. Betabeat (part of The New York Observer). Molly Mulshine, June 10, 2013.
KALQ es el nuevo QWERTY. NeoTeo / ABC (Spain). Nico Varonas, June 10, 2013.
Kalq offers Qwerty alternative for tablets. Wired UK. Duncan Geere, June 8, 2013.
KALQ is the new QWERTY. Boing Boing. Mark Frauenfelder, June 7, 2013.
- Thumbs up for faster texting. Loughborough Echo. David Godsall, June 5, 2013.
Tutti pazzi per rose. Il Foglio (Italy). Mariarosa Mancuso, June 1, 2013.
- KALQ statt QWERTZ. Südkurier (Germany). Beate Schierle, May 31, 2013.
- Mobility Minute: KALQ Is a Better Mobile Keyboard. The Mobility Hub. Paul Korzeniowski, May 30, 2013.
- Experts All Thumbs When It Comes To The Keyboard. EMC Ottawa South. Charles Gordon, May 30, 2012.
- KALQ is the new QWERTY. Humans Invent. Leo Kent, May 29, 2013.
Touchscreens benötigen spezielles Tastaturlayout. Springer für Professionals (Germany). Andreas Burkert, May 24, 2013.
KALQ Vs. QWERTY: The Search For A Better Keyboard. 90.9 WBUR Boston's NPR news station - Here & Now. Meghna Chakrabarti, May 24, 2013.
- Addio alla tastiera QWERTY?. SuperMoney News (Italy). Deborah Popolo, May 21, 2013.
Polegares podem revolucionar a digitação. The Epoch Times em Português (Brazil, syndication). David McLaughlin, May 20, 2013.
KALQ Keyboard: Geteilte Tastatur für Tablets und große Smartphones. Chip (Germany). Thorsten Specht, May 20, 2013.
- Ingeniería: Nuevo sistema de teclado diseñado para teclear con los pulgares. Taringa! (Argentina). May 20, 2013.
- Smartphone, arriva la tastiera del futuro. Blogtaormina (Italy). May 19, 2013.
- Smartphone e tablet addio tastiera “QWERTY”, arriva la nuova “KALQ”. TechGenius (Italy). Cristiano Scarapucci, May 18, 2013.
Smartphone e tablet addio "Qwerty", arriva la nuova tastiera. Yahoo! Notizie (Italy). Filippo Panza, May 17, 2013.
Thumbs-up for new keyboard design. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. May 17, 2013.
Rule of Thumb Could Revolutionise Texting. The Epoch Times. David McLaughlin, May 16, 2013.
Good Reads: From Chinese dreams, to the Tsarnaevs, to a QWERTY challenger. Yahoo! News (Syndication). Gregory M. Lamb, May 16, 2013.
Good Reads: From Chinese dreams, to the Tsarnaevs, to a QWERTY challenger. The Christian Science Monitor. Gregory M. Lamb, May 16, 2013.
- Tastiere: è l’ora della rivoluzione. Bitmat (Italy). Laura Del Rosario, May 15, 2013.
- Nuevo sistema de teclado diseñado para teclear con los pulgares. Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia (Spain). May 14, 2013.
- Neues Tastatur-Layout für Touchscreens. computer-automation.de (Germany). Andreas Knoll, May 13, 2013.
- La curiosa historia del teclado QWERTY. Conexión Total (Mexico). May 11, 2013.
- Un nuovo formato di tastiera per gli schermi touch?. Geek Journal (Italy). May 10, 2013.
Gaze-based Inattention Management. Communications of the ACM. Don Monroe, May 9, 2013.
- 新键盘布局 打字速度快. 163.com (China). May 9, 2013.
- Thumbs up. Times Higher Education (Campus round-up). May 9, 2013. (Screenshot).
Le clavier Qwerty n'a pas été inventé pour nous forcer à taper plus lentement. Slate.fr (France). Cécile Schilis-Gallego, May 7, 2013.
- Por que seu teclado não está em ordem alfabética? A curiosa história do QWERTY. HypeScience (Spain). Guilherme de Souza, May 7, 2013.
The QWERTY Keyboard's Origin Story Was Just Totally Debunked. The Huffington Post. Alexis Kleinman, May 6, 2013.
- QWERTY legt de duimen voor KALQ voor mobiele apparaten. Het Nieuwsblad (Belgium). May 6, 2013.
QWERTY maakt plaats voor KALQ op mobiele apparaten. Volkskrant (Netherlands). May 6, 2013.
- QWERTY maakt plaats voor KALQ op mobiele apparaten. Trouw (Netherlands, syndication). May 6, 2013.
Funky keyboard with vowels on the right will never replace qwerty. The Age (Australia, syndication). Harry Wallop, May 5, 2013. (Columnist for the Daily Telegraph, cf. The Telegraph's news feature).
Kalq: Neue Tastatur für Tablet-Nutzer entwickelt. Chip (Germany). May 4, 2013.
- News Roundup: Apple Eats Intel, Facebook Gets Fat, and QWERTY Vs KALQ. IDG Connect. Dan Swinhoe, May 3, 2013.
Fact of Fiction? The Legend of the QWERTY Keyboard. Smithsonian (Design Decoded blog). Jimmy Stamp, May 3, 2013.
- Kalq, un clavier pour smartphone bien disposé. 01net (France). May 3, 2013.
Move over, QWERTY! Here comes KALQ. Southern California Public Radio - AirTalk (Interview, MP3 soundfile, 8.3 MB). Larry Mantle, May 2, 2013.
- Forscher entwickeln neues Tastaturlayout für Tablets: Komfortablere und schnellere Bedienung als Ziel. BeyondPrint.de (Germany). May 2, 2013.
- Mobiliesiems įrenginiams sukurta naujo tipo virtuali klaviatūra. 15 min (Lithuania). May 1, 2013.
- The end of the QWERTY keyboard?. Knovel. Chris Walker, April 30, 2013.
Users Are Better Off Designing Their Own UI Gestures. Fast Company's Co.Design. Mark Wilson, April 30, 2013.
Kalq, la tastiera touchscreen che ci fa scrivere con i pollici. Gizmodo Italy. Francesca Delaurenti, April 30, 2013.
Need for speed doesn't spell success. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia, syndication). Harry Wallop, April 30, 2013. (Columnist for the Daily Telegraph, cf. The Telegraph's news feature).
KALQ propose de n'écrire sur les écrans tactiles qu'avec les pouces. MSN Multimedia (Belgium, syndication). April 30, 2013.
- KALQ propose de n'écrire sur les écrans tactiles qu'avec les pouces. L'Atelier (France). Guillaume Parodi, April 30, 2013.
- Faster typing with KALQ keyboard. HumanIPO. Gabriella Mulligan, April 29, 2013.
Tech Week Ahead: Touch Screen Keyboards (MP3 soundfile, 0.5 MB). NPR: National Public Radio - All Things Considered. Melissa Block and Steve Henn, April 29, 2013.
- 新鍵盤設計 英打速度提高34%. Sina (Taiwan). April 29, 2013.
- QWERTY Overtyped By KALQ. Wordability (Journalism blog). Hugh Westbrook, April 29, 2013. (Screenshot).
- Teclado KALQ promete digitação 34% mais rápida em telas touchscreen. TecMundo (Brazil). Nilton Kleina, April 29, 2013.
KALQ ‘key’ for touchscreens. The Courier. Leeza Clark, April 29, 2013.
Tweets mit Verfallsdatum (Syndication). St. Galler Tagblatt (Switzerland, syndication). April 29, 2013.
Tweets mit Verfallsdatum. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland). April 29, 2013.
All Thumbs? Tablet Keyboard Promises To Help. InformationWeek. Gary Flood, April 29, 2013.
Ecco Kalq, la tastiera touchscreen che ci fa scrivere con i pollici. La Stampa (Italy). Luca Castelli, April 29, 2013.
I'd be all thumbs with a non-qwerty keyboard. The Guardian. Morven Crumlich, April 29, 2013.
Software verbessert Usability von Multi-Display-Systemen. heise online (Germany). April 29, 2013.
Software für mehr Übersicht. Technology Review Germany (Syndication). John Pavlus, April 29, 2013.
- Αλλαγές στη διάταξη των πληκτρολογίων. madata.gr (Greece). April 29, 2013.
- Suomalainen KALQ-kehittäjä: ”QWERTY on kiusallisen hidas. Uusi Suomi. Linda Pelkonen, April 29, 2013.
- Personal touch is key to gesture control software: Design-it-yourself gestures may be key to future computer interfaces. Phys.org. April 29, 2013.
KALQ Keyboard Map Could Allow Faster Thumb Typing. Tom's Hardware Guide. Tarun Iyer, April 29, 2013.
Flying Thumbs. The New Zealand Herald. Miraz Jordan, April 29, 2013.
- האם סוף סוף נמצאה המקלדת שתנצח את ה-Qwerty?. Haaretz (Israel). April 28, 2013.
New keyboard for touchscreens?. The Charlotte Observer. April 28, 2013.
- 触摸屏上打字慢? 看厂商各种各样解决方法. 51Touch.com (China). April 28, 2013.
- Saisie de données du bout des pouces…. L'essentiel (Luxembourg). April 28, 2013.
Claire Black: Kalq minimises travel distance and maximises alternation between thumbs. Scotland on Sunday. Claire Black, April 28, 2013. (Columnist, cf. The Scotsman's news feature).
- הכירו את ה-'KALQ': מקלדת וירטואלית חדשה לטאבלטים. HWzone.co.il (Israel). Liran Fragman, April 27, 2013.
- Suomalaistiimi kehittää tableteille uutta kirjoitustapaa – näin se toimii. Digitoday (Finland). Tuomas Linnake, April 27, 2013.
La «qwerty» non va bene per gli schermi touch Corriere della Sera (Italy). Martina Pennisi, April 27, 2013.
- Kciukiem na tablecie i smartfonie. Głos Pomorza (Poland). April 27, 2013.
- KALQ: On-screen toetsenbord geoptimaliseerd voor tablets. tablets magazine (Netherlands). Martijn Chel, April 27, 2013.
Met je duimen typen, nu ook op je tablet. de Volkskrant (Netherlands). Peter van Ammelrooy, April 27, 2013.
- Un nou model de tastatură permite scrierea mult mai rapidă decât tradiţionala QWERTY. Ziarul Financiar (Romania). Octavian Calei, April 27, 2013.
- Nowa klawiatura ułatwia pisanie za pomocą kciuków. Polish Press Agency (Polska Agencja Prasowa). April 27, 2013.
Stephen McGinty: Thumbs down for Kalq layout. The Scotsman. Stephen McGinty, April 27, 2013. (Columnist, cf. The Scotsman's news feature).
Think Gestural Interactions Suck? Design Your Own. MIT Technology Review. John Pavlus, April 26, 2013.
- Presentan un nuevo teclado para dispositivos móviles. Ámbito Financiero (Argentina). April 26, 2013.
- Tablets: all fingers and thumbs. The Voice of Russia (UK Edition). April 27, 2013.
Goodbye QWERTY?. The Courier. Jennifer Cosgrove, April 26, 2013. (Scan of paper article).
Lexicon: Kalq. The Irish Times. April 26, 2013. (Scan of paper article).
- Thumbthing to shout about. The Stand (Student newspaper). Tris Colledge, April 26, 2013.
- Suomalainen kehitti QWERTY:n syrjäyttäjän: KALQ-näppäimistön. Uusi Suomi (Finland). April 26, 2013.
2 Ways to Fix the Typing-on-Touchscreens Problem. Mashable (Syndication). John Pavlus, April 26, 2013.
Two Ways to Fix the Typing-on-Touch-Screens Problem. MIT Technology Review. John Pavlus, April 26, 2013.
- 'Kalq'-toetsenbord voor tablets als alternatief voor qwerty voorgesteld. Tweakers (Netherlands). Jelle Stuip, April 26, 2013.
- Kalq Thumb Keyboard Claims to be Quicker than Qwerty. International Business Times. Alistair Charlton, April 25, 2013.
New keyboard layout promises to increase tablet typing speed. Dezeen Magazine. April 25, 2013.
- La saisie de données sur le bout des pouces. 20 minutes (Switzerland). April 25, 2013.
- The smarter way to type?. The Daily What News. April 25, 2013.
Researchers have come up with a completely new keyboard which makes for faster touchscreen typing (MP3 soundfile, 4 MB). BBC Radio Scotland - Good Morning Scotland (Interview). Gary Robertson, April 25, 2013.
- Academics Tout Touchscreen KALQ Keyboard As QWERTY Alternative. TechWeek Europe. Steve McCaskill, April 25, 2013.
A keyboard optimized for thumbs. SmartPlanet. Mark Halper, April 25, 2013.
- Kalq keyboard promises to kill Qwerty on tablets. v3.co.uk. Gareth Morgan, April 25, 2013.
- KALQ thumb-type keyboard for android users. Fountain News (Kenya). April 25, 2013.
- Is KALQ een alternatief voor QWERTY?. Bright.nl. David Lemereis, April 25, 2013.
'Thumb-Friendly' Keyboard Made For Touchscreens. Yahoo! News UK & Ireland. James Matthews, April 25, 2013.
- The New Touchscreen Keyboard: KALQ: Breaking a 135-year-old standard. Geek Smash. Derrick Thiecke, April 25, 2013.
- Slow at SMSing? Switch your keyboard. Independent Online (South Africa). Gavin Madeley, April 25, 2013.
Scientists take on the might of Qwerty with Kalq 'thumb keyboard' for smartphones that can get you typing 34% faster. The Independent. Steve Anderson, April 25, 2013.
- Forscher entwerfen ideale Touch-Tastatur. Computer World (Switzerland). Hannes Weber, April 25, 2013.
Scientists take on Qwerty with Kalq 'thumb keyboard' for smartphones. Irish Independent. April 25, 2013.
- Gyorsabb gépelés táblagépeken egy új kiosztással. Index.hu (Hungary). April 25, 2013.
Will the Kalq keyboard finally spell the end for qwerty?. The Guardian. Oliver Wainwright, April 25, 2013.
- KALQ - raskere tastatur for berøringsskjermer. Din Side (Norway). Kirsti Østvang, April 25, 2013.
The 140 year old QWERTY keyboard could finally have a challenger. (MP3 soundfile, 1.7 MB). BBC Radio 5 Live Drive (Interview). Peter Allen, April 25, 2013.
- Kalq-toetsenbord versus Qwerty. De Telegraaf (Netherlands). April 25, 2013.
Thumbs Up As Researchers Develop New Tablet-Friendly Keyboard, The KALQ. Fast Company. Addy Dugdale, April 25, 2013.
- Forget QWERTY, The KALQ Keyboard Will Make Touchscreen Typers 33% Faster. Business Insider Australia (Syndication). Christopher Williams, April 25, 2013.
The QWERTY keyboard is now being challenged by a new layout. BBC Radio 2 Drivetime (Interview). Rebecca Pike, April 25, 2013.
- Forget QWERTY, The KALQ Keyboard Will Make Touchscreen Typers 33% Faster. Business Insider. Christopher Williams, April 25, 2013.
'Thumb-Friendly' Keyboard Made For Touchscreens. Sky News. James Matthews, April 25, 2013.
- Meet KALQ, the new touchscreen thumb-typing keyboard that could kill off QWERTY. ITProPortal. James Laird, April 25, 2013.
The new KALQ keyboard (MP3 soundfile, 6.9 MB). BBC World Service - BBSeva from BBCRussian. Seva Novgorodtsev, April 25, 2013.
- Zabudnite na QWERTY, prichádza KALQ. SME (Slovakia). April 25, 2013.
- Koniec QWERTY? Klawiatura do pisania kciukami!. Polskie Radio (Poland). April 25, 2013.
- Powstaje klawiatura ułatwiająca pisanie za pomocą kciuków. Onet.pl (Poland). April 25, 2013.
Keyboard that's KALQ-ulated to be much quicker. Metro. Stephen Deal, April 25, 2013. (Scan of paper article).
Hey, Professor Touchscreen, keep your fingers off our Qwerty keyboards. The Telegraph. Harry Wallop, April 25, 2013. (Columnist, cf. The Telegraph's news feature). (Scan of paper article).
- Researchers Developed New Keyboard Called KALQ to Beat QWERTY. Jagran Josh (India). April 25, 2013.
Scientists launch KALQ touchscreen keyboard. Engineering and Technology Magazine. Sofia Mitra-Thakur, April 25, 2013.
- Touch-screen typing’s rule of thumb. Gulf News. April 25, 2013.
- Pølsefingre på smarttelefonen? Her er tommeltastaturet. E24 (Norway). Eric B. Utheim, April 25, 2013.
KALQ: Thumb Texters Get QWERTY Replacement. The Epoch Times. Simon Veazey, April 25, 2013.
- KALQ thumb-type keyboard takes on Qwerty. China Daily (also here). April 25, 2013.
KALQ thumb-type keyboard takes on Qwerty. BBC News Scotland. April 25, 2013.
- [图]Android打字利器?Kalq键盘比Qwerty快34%. cnBeta (China). April 25, 2013.
Touchscreen typists urged to abandon qwerty keyboard for KALQ. The Telegraph. Christopher Williams, April 25, 2013.
Thumbs-up for Qwerty replacement: Scientists abandon old keyboard layout for faster touchscreen typing. The Scotsman. Alistair Munro, April 25, 2013. (Scan of paper article).
How to type 34% faster on your touchscreen, thanks to Scots scientists. The Herald. April 25, 2013. (Scan of paper article).
KALQ Is A New Split-Screen Keyboard Layout Designed To Speed Up Thumb Typing On Tablets & Big Phones. TechCrunch. Natasha Lomas, April 24, 2013.
Android KALQ keyboard faster than QWERTY, according to researchers. Digital Spy. Jamie Harris, April 24, 2013.
- ¿Harto del teclado de tu móvil? Éstas son las mejores alternativas. El Confidencial (Spain). Alberto G. Luna, April 25, 2013.
- KALQ Interface Design, and How the Enron Scandal Might Make Touchscreen Typing Easier. Core 77. April 24, 2013.
- KALQ keyboard faster typing with thumbs, Android app coming. Phones Review. April 24, 2013.
Forget QWERTY - new KALQ layout speeds up typing on tablets. Yahoo! News UK & Ireland. Rob Waugh, April 24, 2013.
- KALQ: un clavier optimisé pour les pouces. les mobiles.com (France). Samir Azzemou, April 24, 2013.
- St Andrews researchers find solution for faster texting. The Saint (Student newspaper). Ketsuda Phoutinane, April 24, 2013.
This Is the New, Non-QWERTY Keyboard You Will Use to Compose Your Thumb-Powered Opus. Smithsonian (Smart News blog). Colin Schultz, April 24, 2013.
- KALQ touch keypad invented for tablets @ St Andrews. GoMo News. Hans Cett, April 24, 2013.
- Thumbs-up for KALQ Keyboard. Life of Android. Stuart Pritchard, April 24, 2013.
- KALQ Keyboard: una nuova tastiera per tablet, in arrivo a maggio su Android. Android World (Italy). Nicola Ligas, April 24, 2013.
Boffins KALQ-u-late the ultimate 'board for two-thumb tablet tappers. The Register. Tony Smith, April 24, 2013.
- Tabletové rozložení klávesnice KALQ je prý rychlejší než QWERTY. Zive (Czech Republic). Jakub Čížek, April 24, 2013.
Android keyboard Kalq quicker than Qwerty, scientists say. CNET (Syndication). Rich Trenholm, April 24, 2013.
- Ricercatori brevettano una tastiera KALQ rivoluzionaria, in arrivo a maggio l’app per Android. Androidiani (Italy). Denis Dosi, April 24, 2013.
Android keyboard Kalq quicker than Qwerty, say scientists. CNET UK. Rich Trenholm, April 24, 2013.
- Touchscreen Qwerty layout "belongs in the past". PC Pro. Stewart Mitchell, April 24, 2013.
Claviers: oubliez Qwerty/Azerty, dites bonjour à Kalq. Yahoo! France (Syndication). April 24, 2013.
- Nieuw toetsenbord voor touchscreens. AT-aandrijftechniek.nl (Netherlands). J. van Huet, April 24, 2013.
Claviers: oubliez Qwerty/Azerty, dites bonjour à Kalq, le clavier pour smartphone. Slate.fr (France). Cécile Dehesdin, April 24, 2013.
- Forget QWERTY - boffins says you can type much faster with KALQ. Shiny Shiny. Ashley Norris, April 24, 2013.
- Android打字利器?Kalq键盘比Qwerty快34%. Sohu (China). Hu Tao, April 24, 2013.
- വേഗത്തില് ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാന് പുതിയ കീബോര്ഡ് . Mathrubhumi (India). April 23, 2013.
Building a Better Smartphone Keyboard. Pacific Standard. Kevin Charles Redmon, April 23, 2013.
- Addio QWERTY, benvenuta KALQ. Ecco la tastiera ideale per i touchscreen. Panorama (Italy). April 23, 2013.
- У раскладки QWERTY появился конкурент KALQ. Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Russia). Anton Blagoveshtenskiy, April 23, 2013.
Do you find it frustrating to type with your thumbs on a flat screen? (MP3 soundfile, 2.4 MB). BBC Radio 4 World at One (Interview). Martha Kearney, April 23, 2013.
- Nieuw toetsenbord voor touchscreens. Elektor (Netherlands). April 22, 2013.
- KALQ, un nouveau clavier tactile permettant d’écrire jusqu’à 34% plus vite. iLoveTablette (France). April 22, 2013.
QWERTY out, KALQ in: the new fast keyboard for touchscreens. GigaOM. Amanda Alvarez, April 22, 2013.
KALQ - schnelles Schreiben auf dem Tablet ohne Tastatur. Salzburger Nachrichten (Austria). April 22, 2013.
Smartphone: Saarbrücker Forscher entwickeln neues Tastaturlayout. Saarbrücker Zeitung (Germany). April 21, 2013.
- Tämä näppäimistö nopeuttaa tekstaamista 34 prosenttia. Tietoviikko. Janne Luotola, April 20, 2013.
Thumbs Up for Speed. The Wall Street Journal. Daniel Akst, April 19, 2013.
- Science Images of the Week. Voice of America. April 19, 2013.
Neue Tastaturbelegung beim Touchscreen. Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany). Patrick Illinger, April 19, 2013. (Scan of paper article).
- KALQ, le clavier alternatif pour tablette. LesArdoises (France). April 19, 2013.
New keyboard for touchscreens speeds up thumb-typing. KurzweilAI. April 19, 2013.
- Goodbye QWERTY, hello faster typing with KALQ. NDTV (India). April 19, 2013.
- App bringt neues Tastaturlayout für Android-Tablets. ITespresso.de. Peter Marwan, April 19, 2013.
Kalq: Neues Tastaturlayout beschleunigt das Tippen auf Touchscreens. t3n Magazine (Germany). Andreas Weck, April 19, 2013.
- Move Over, QWERTY, KALQ Keyboard Offers 34% Faster Thumb Typing. International Business Times. Vittorio Hernandez, April 19, 2013.
- New Computational Optimized Touchscreen Layout Maximizes Typing Speed on Mobile Devices. Science World Report. Mark Hoffman, April 19, 2013.
Slow at texting? Switch your QWERTY keyboard to KALQ. Daily Mail. Gavin Madeley, April 18 (updated April 25), 2013.
- KALQ-Tastatur des Max-Planck-Instituts beschleunigt Eingabe des Nexus 10 und Co. PC Games Hardware (Germany). Lars Craemer, April 18, 2013.
- Un clavier KALQ pour taper 34% plus vite sur écran tactile. Tablette Tactile (France). Vincent Beziade, April 18, 2013.
See, how texting has become easier. The Times of India. April 18, 2013.
- Schneller Tippen dank KALQ. N24.de (Germany). April 18, 2013.
- KALQ beschleunigt das Tippen mit den Daumen. Zeitschrift für Elektronik – Elektronikpraxis (Germany). Peter Koller, April 18, 2013.
- Neue Tastatur: Touchscreen-Tippen wird leichter. Scinexx: Das Wissensmagazin (Germany). April 18, 2013.
KALQ: Neues Tastaturlayout für Android soll schnelleres Schreiben ermöglichen. Gizmodo Germany. Johannes Gräßler, April 18, 2013.
- Schneller schreiben mit Smartphone und Tablet. Ingenieur.de (Germany). April 18, 2013.
- KALQ-Tastatur: schneller schreiben auf dem Tablet dank neuem Layout. MobleGeeks.de (Germany). Carsten Drees, April 18, 2013.
- Nová klávesnice pro dotykové obrazovky. CAD.cz (Czech Republic). April 18, 2013.
KALQ keyboard aims to speed up touchscreen thumb-typing. Gizmag. Darren Quick, April 18, 2013.
- KALQ新式布局键盘提升触控设备34%输入速度 将于5月初发布. cnBeta.com (China). April 18, 2013.
- Bàn phím mới cho màn hình chạm. Thanh Niên (Vietnam). April 18, 2013.
- Forscher entwerfen ideale Touch-Tastatur. PCtipp.ch (Switzerland). Hannes Weber, April 18, 2013.
- La tastiera touch KALQ vuole uccidere quella QWERTY. Tom's Hardware (Italy). April 18, 2013.
Neues Tastenlayout zum Schnelltippen auf Touchscreens. Golem.de (Germany). April 18, 2013.
- Wetenschap komt met nieuw toetsenbord voor touchscreen. Scientias.nl (Netherlands). Caroline Kraajvanger, April 18, 2013.
- New keyboard layout promises 34 percent faster texts and tweets. Examiner.com. Paul Hamaker, April 18, 2013.
New touchscreen keyboard allows thumb-typing 34pc faster than QWERTY layout. Yahoo! News India (Syndication). April 18, 2013.
- New keyboard for superfast typing on touchscreens. The Economic Times (Syndication). April 18, 2013.
- New keyboard for superfast typing on touchscreens. The Indian Express (Syndication). April 18, 2013.
New touchscreen keyboard allows thumb-typing 34pc faster than QWERTY layout. Yahoo! News Malaysia (Syndication). April 18, 2013.
- Superfast typing on touchscreens for texting soon with new keyboards. Deccan Chronicle (Syndication). April 18, 2013.
Tastatur für Daumenschreiber. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland, syndication). April 18, 2013.
- Экранная клавиатура KALQ ускоряет ввод текста на 34%. Computer Review (Ukraine). April 18, 2013.
Tastatur für Daumenschreiber. St. Galler Tagblatt (Switzerland, syndication). April 18, 2013.
- Researchers say new keyboard for touchscreens lets thumbs fly fast. Breitbart News (Syndication). April 17, 2013.
- Thumbs up to keyboard evolution: could QWERTY give way to KALQ?. Design Products & Applications. April 17, 2013.
Researchers say new keyboard for touchscreens lets thumbs fly fast. United Press International. April 17, 2013.
- New keyboard developed for touch screens. R & D Magazine. April 17, 2013.
- New keyboard for touchscreens. ECN Magazine. April 17, 2013.
Este nuevo teclado te permitirá escribir fluidamente en una tableta. Gizmodo en español. Eric Tecayehuatl, April 17, 2013.
- Informatiker entwerfen neues Tastaturlayout für Touchscreen-Geräte. Unternehmen-Heute (Germany, syndication). April 17, 2013.
- Informatiker entwerfen neues Tastaturlayout für Touchscreen-Geräte. Pfalz Express (Germany, syndication). April 17, 2013.
Informatiker entwerfen neues Tastaturlayout für Touchscreen-Geräte. Woll Magazine (Germany, syndication). April 17, 2013.
- Informatiker entwerfen neues Tastaturlayout für Touchscreen-Geräte. Berliner Umschau (Germany, syndication). April 17, 2013.
Informatiker entwerfen neues Tastaturlayout für Touchscreen-Geräte. The Epoch Times Deutschland (Germany, syndication). April 17, 2013.
Informatiker entwerfen neues Tastaturlayout für Touchscreen-Geräte. FinanzNachrichten.de (Germany). April 17, 2013.
- Faster Typing on Touchscreen Tablets with New Keyboard. cellular-news. April 17, 2013.
- KALQ is a new keyboard for touchscreens. TG Daily. Thomas Anderson, April 17, 2013.
Новая раскладка позволит быстрее набирать текст на планшете. RT.KORR (Russia). April 17, 2013.
- KALQ-Tastaturlayout: Schneller schreiben auf Tablets. WinFuture (Germany). Christian Kahle, April 17, 2013.
- Nytt tangentbord för tumskrivare. Ny Teknik (Sweden). April 17, 2013.
- Forscher entwerfen neues Tastaturlayout für Touch-Geräte. Computer Base (Germany). Przemyslaw Szymanski, April 17, 2013.
- Computer scientists design new keyboard layout on touch screen devices. Phys.org. April 17, 2013.
Un sistema para distraernos menos al usar varias pantallas. MIT Technology Review en español (Syndication). John Pavlus, translation by Francisco Reyes. April 16, 2013.
- Anti-Distraction Technology. Computer Vision Online. Jonathan Farache, April 9, 2013.
- Софтуер улеснява работата с два или повече монитора едновременно. Dvevnik (Bulgaria). Martin Deshev, April 9, 2013.
Texting ‘Tech-nology’: Tech prof, student study cell phone app for blind users. The Montana Standard. April 8, 2013.
- ¡No te distraigas!. Telemundo (American Spanish language broadcast television network; syndicated to Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Denver and Miami). April 8, 2013.
- 明為屏幕「暗」捉懶蟲. Oriental Daily (Hong Kong). April 8, 2013.
- ‘Diff Displays’ Computer Program Can Tell When You Aren’t Looking at Your Screen. Tri County Sentry. April 5, 2013.
Multiple-display software lets users stay focused but informed of new info. MSN News. April 5, 2013.
- Diff Displays gör flerskärmslösningar enklare att använda. Sweclockers (Sweden). Andreas Dimestam, April 4, 2013.
Mehrbildschirm-Arbeitsplatz verfolgt Augenbewegungen. Gizmodo Germany (Syndication). Andreas Donath, April 4, 2013.
Software Torna as Múltiplas Telas uma Distração Menor. MIT Technology Review Brazil (Syndication). John Pavlus, translation by Elisa Matte, April 3, 2013.
- New multi-monitor software helps you focus on changes. Hexus.net. Mark Tyson, April 3, 2013.
Multiple-Display Software Follows Your Gaze To Keep You Focused. Gizmodo Australia (Syndication). Ashley Feinberg, April 3, 2013.
Multiple-Display Software Follows Your Gaze to Keep You Focused. Gizmodo. Ashley Feinberg, April 2, 2013.
Software Makes Multiple Screens Less Distracting. MIT Technology Review India (Syndication). John Pavlus, April 2, 2013.
- Diff Displays: подсветка изменений на втором/третьем дисплее в фоне. Habrahabr (Russia). April 2, 2013.
Software Makes Multiple Screens Less Distracting. MIT Technology Review. John Pavlus, April 2, 2013.
- Not watching? Then I’m off. Times Higher Education (Campus round-up). March 28, 2013. (Screenshot).
- Diff Displays, monitores que saben a dónde miras. nGeeks. March 28, 2013.
- Diff Displays: система облегчит слежение за несколькими экранами. Journal of Science in the 21st Century (Russia). Artem Kosmarskaya, March 28, 2013.
- Monitores inteligentes para que te concentres mejor. Telenews Noticias Mexico. March 27, 2013.
- Los monitores que saben donde miras para ayudarte a concentrarte. Xataka (Spain). Carlos Zahumenszky, March 27, 2013.
"You lookin' at me?" – Diff Displays system can tell. Gizmag. David Szondy, March 25, 2013.
- これは勘弁! 上司の代わりに社員の仕事ぶりを監視するシステムが開発される!. Yahoo! News Japan. March 25, 2013.
- これは勘弁! 上司の代わりに社員の仕事ぶりを監視するシステムが開発される!. Pouch (Japan). March 24, 2013.
- Новая мультидисплейная система не даст человеку отвлечься. KM.ru (Russia). Alexander Fedorov, March 24, 2013.
Computer System’s Eye Capture Can Identify If The User Is Paying Attention. The Droid Guy. Giancarlo Perlas, March 23, 2013.
- Sistemi me shumë monitorë që ju shmang shpërqendrimin . PC World Albania. March 23, 2013.
Где пригодятся технологии компьютерного зрения?. RBC Daily (Russia). Irina Yuzbekova, March 22, 2013.
- Diff Displays forteller deg om du ser på skjermen eller ikke. Teknologia.no. Øyvind Skogmo Hansen, March 21, 2013.
Fiona McCade: New meaning to ‘people watching’. The Scotsman. Fiona McCade, March 21, 2013. (Columnist).
Are You Paying Attention? Computer Says No. Communications of the ACM (Syndication). March 20, 2012.
Are You Paying Attention? Computer Says No. ACM Tech News (Syndication). March 20, 2013.
- Un monitor que sale a la caza de empleados desatentos. PuntoBiz (Argentina). March 21, 2013.
- Display knows you're looking. Investor's Business Daily. March 20, 2013.
Vision system alerts uses to changes on display. Vision Systems Design. Dave Wilson, March 20, 2013.
- Multi-monitor tracking system keeps you focused, makes sure you don't miss anything. ComputerWorld Singapore. March 20, 2013.
- A device that knows when you’re watching. Technophilia. Andrew Roach, March 20, 2013.
- Monitor capta cuando los trabajadores no están atentos. Publimetro (Chile). March 20, 2013.
- La tecnología de seguimiento multimonitor te mantiene enfocado. PC World Peru. March 20, 2013.
- Nuevo monitor para las PC capaz de decirle a tu jefe si estás trabajando. Marmor Informa (Mexico). March 20, 2013.
New monitor tells boss if you aren't paying attention at work. The Times of India. March 20, 2013.
- Beware, new monitor tells all to boss. The Hindu. March 20, 2013.
- Изобретены мониторы, которые следят за халтурщиками на работе. Megatyumen (Russia). March 20, 2013.
Мониторы выявят тех, кто халтурит на работе. RBC Daily (Russia). March 20, 2013.
- الكمبيوتر الجاسوس».. «شاشة» تفضح الموظفين المتكاسلين. Egypt Independent. March 20, 2013.
- Monitor te delata si flojeas en trabajo. Quo (Mexico). March 20, 2013.
- St Andrews scientists develop computer system that tells when you aren’t looking at screen. The Saint (Student newspaper). March 20, 2013.
- Multi-monitor tracking system keeps you focused, makes sure you don't miss anything. CIO Asia. March 20, 2013.
Computer weet of je wel kijkt. Metro (Netherlands). March 20, 2013.
- Computer weet of je wel kijkt. MSN Nieuws (Netherlands). March 20, 2013.
- Crean monitor para enfocarse en el trabajo. Publinews (Guatemala). March 20, 2013.
- Crean un computador que vigilará la atención que prestan los empleados. Ultima Hora (Honduras). March 20, 2013.
- Cero distracciones, el monitor te vigila. El Golfo (Mexico). March 20, 2013.
- Pierzi vremea la munca? O noua tehnologie vede cand nu esti atent la monitor. Ziare (Romania). March 20, 2013.
- O nouă invenţie: Monitorul care arată când nu eşti atent la locul de muncă. Mediafax (Romania). March 20, 2013.
System knows when you're not paying attention. Laboratory Equipment. March 20, 2013.
- Beware! Your computer may be spying on you. Herald Globe. March 19, 2013.
- New monitor tells boss if you aren’t paying attention. Hindustan Times. March 20, 2013.
Computer screens that keep an eye on your every move. The Herald. March 19, 2013. (Scan of paper article).
- Monitor que le avisa a tu jefe cuando no estás trabajando. El Porvenir (Mexico). March 20, 2013.
Multi-monitor tracking system keeps you focused, makes sure you don't miss anything. TechHive (formerly PC World/Mac World). Kevin Lee, March 19, 2013.
- Bildschirm erkennt unaufmerksame Nutzer. Kronen Zeitung (Austria). March 19, 2013.
Screen that watches you. Scottish Daily Express. March 19, 2013. (Scan of paper article).
Your monitor is watching you. Metro. March 19, 2013. (Scan of paper article).
- Are you looking at me? A multi-system display that 'knows' when you're not looking. Phys.org. March 19, 2013.
- 직장인 감시프로그램 개발...생산성 향상 vs 사생활 보호 '후끈'. eDaily (South Korea). March 19, 2013.
- Crean un computador capaz de vigilar a los empleados en el trabajo. El Observador (Mexico). March 19, 2013.
- Beware! Your computer may be spying on you. The New Indian Express. March 19, 2013.
- Screen break. Daily Star of Scotland. March 19, 2013. (Scan of paper article).
- Monitor que le avisa a tu jefe cuando no estás trabajando. PC World Mexico. March 19, 2013.
Multi-monitor tracking system keeps you focused, makes sure you don't miss anything. PC Advisor. March 19, 2013.
Beware! Your computer may be spying on you. Yahoo! News Malaysia (Syndication). March 19, 2013.
- New Computer Monitor Can Tell If You're Not Paying Attention. New Rock 103.9. March 19, 2013.
Beware! Your computer may be spying on you. Yahoo! News India (Syndication). March 19, 2013.
- Monitor controla si estás atento al trabajo. 24 Horas - Televisión Nacional de Chile. March 18, 2013.
'Diff Displays' Computer Program Can Tell When You Aren't Looking At Your Screen. The Huffington Post. Hunter Stuart, March 18, 2013.
- Il pc anti-distrazione: telecamera dice al capo se non guardi il monitor. Blitz quotidiano (Italy). March 18, 2013.
- Crean un computador que vigilará la atención que prestan los empleados. RT en Español - Noticias internacionales (Russia Today Spanish). March 18, 2013.
- 'Pametni' zasloni vas tjeraju da se fokusirate na posao. Dnevnik Nova TV (Croatia). March 18, 2013.
New system finds out who is paying attention (MP3 soundfile, 5.4 MB). BBC Radio Scotland Newsdrive (Interview). Bill Whiteford, March 18, 2013.
- “Pametni” zasloni tjeraju vas da se fokusirate na posao. Zimo (Colombia). Saša Fišter, March 18, 2013.
Diff Displays computer system knows when you are distracted. MSN Now. March 18, 2013.
- Crean monitor que 'vigila' al usuario. El Imparcial (Mexico). March 18, 2013.
- Nova vrsta monitora vidjet će ako zabušavate na svom poslu. 24 Sata (Croatia). Ivan Hruškovec, March 18, 2013.
- Un monitor de ordenador que controla si prestas atención a tu trabajo. eju! (Bolivia). March 18, 2013.
Are you paying attention? Computer says no. The Herald. March 18, 2013.
Is your office computer watching you?. Daily Mail. Damien Gayle, March 18, 2013.
- Are you looking at me?. Imaging and Machine Vision Europe. March 18, 2013.
- Thank you, autocorrect. Computer Sweden. Anders Lotsson, October 12, 2012.
- In Ctrl: How much help do you want from your computer?. Wellcome Trust Blog. Michael Regnier, August 9, 2012.
Crowdsourcing Improves Predictive Texting. ACM Tech News (Syndication). February 29, 2012.
- Phone knows what you are about to say. Oman Tribune (Syndication). Duncan Graham-Rowe, February 29, 2012.
- Crowdsourcing improves smartphone texting. Fort Lauderdale Connex (Syndication). February 27, 2012.
Crowdsourcing improves smartphone texting. United Press International. February 27, 2012.
- Crowdsourcing could help improve predictive texting. India Talkies. February 26, 2012.
- Los móviles acerlltarán más al adivinar lo que queremos escribir. Yahoo! Noticias Colombia (Repost). February 26, 2012.
- Los móviles acerltarán más al adivinar lo que queremos escribir. Yahoo! Noticias Chile (Repost). February 26, 2012.
- Los móviles acertarán más al adivinar lo que queremos escribir. Yahoo! Noticias Espana (Repost). February 26, 2012.
Los móviles acertarán más al adivinar lo que queremos escribir. El Economista (Spain). Emily Turrettini, Februrry 26, 2012.
Crowdsourcing could help improve predictive texting. Yahoo! News India (Syndication). February 26, 2012.
- Crowdsourcing could help improve predictive texting. South Asia News (Syndication). February 26, 2012.
Crowdsourcing improves predictive texting. New Scientist, pages 24-25. Duncan Graham-Rowe, February 22, 2012.
2011: the year in review. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. December 23, 2011.
- The imagination of crowds: conversational AAC language modeling using crowdsourcing and large data sources. Crowdsourcing.org (Repost). Sebastian Blanca, October 1, 2011
- University researchers harnessing online chat to improve artificial speech technologies. Crowdsourcing.org (Repost). Sebastian Blanca, October 1, 2011.
University researchers harnessing online chat to improve artificial speech technologies. The Courier. September 29, 2011.
- Twitter breakthrough for St Andrews speech researchers. Kingdom FM (radio station). September 29, 2011.
- Twitter: it's good to talk. St Andrews Radio (radio station). September 29, 2011.
- Parakeet squawks a mighty solution to speech recognition accuracy. TMCnet. Brendan B. Read, September 3, 2010.
Correct me if I'm wrong.... The Economist's Tecnology Quarterly. September 2, 2010.
- The most important fund criteria. The Motley Fool. August 12, 2010.
- Correct me if I'm wrong. Sina (China, syndication). July 15, 2010.
- Better speech-recognition technology. Innovation Toronto (Syndication). July 14, 2010.
Correct me if I'm wrong... Better speech-recognition technology. The Economist's Technology Monitor (online). July 12, 2010.
- Nuance buys mobile software firm ShapeWriter. Mass High Tech: The Journal of New England Technology. Galen Moore, June 23, 2010.
Nuance Acquires ShapeWriter, Ramps Up Pressure on Seattle Startup Swype. Xconomy. Gregory T. Huang, June 22, 2010.
- Personal technology: The shape of things to come: Typing technology. The Jakarta Post. Jeremy Wagstaff, June 21, 2010.
- Svenska texttekniken ShapeWriter uppköpt. Elektroniktidningen (Sweden). Jan Tångring, June 18, 2010.
- T9-företaget Nuance köper svenskt fingersvep. Ny Teknik (Sweden). Mats Lewan, June 18, 2010.
See Also: Tech Brief. BBC News. Jonathan Frewin, June 15, 2010.
- Fortschritt: Zeichensprache für Computer. Berliner Morgenpost (Germany). Clemens Gleich, May 31, 2010.
- Sms-kungen vill också svepa med fingret. Ny Teknik (Sweden). Mats Lewan, March 25, 2010.
Framtiden ligger i ett fingersvep. Dagens Nyheter (Sweden). Mats Lewan, March 25, 2010.
- ShapeWriter: Schreiben nach Formen. Wiener Zeitung (Austria). Gerald Jatzek, February 26, 2010.
- Wie sag ich's meinem Computer?. Die Welt (Germany). Clemens Gleich, January 24, 2010.
- Att diktera sms snart lika snabbt som att skriva. Elektroniktidningen (Sweden). Jan Tångring, December 17, 2009.
- iPhone app review: Shapewriter. The Florida Times-Union. Rand Miranda, November 22, 2009.
ShapeWriter: Must-try iPhone app. ZDNet. Jason D. O'Grady, June 26, 2009.
- Smartare ordlista i mobilen. Sydsvenskan (Sweden). Sarah Nylund, April 24, 2009.
Innovation: The mobile future of the keyboard. New Scientist. Colin Barras, April 2, 2009.
A Stylus for the iPhone. The Wall Street Journal. Walt Mossberg, March 11, 2009.
- TotallyHer's Top 10 iPhone Apps for Girls. TotallyHer. Kelli, January 26, 2009.
Best IPhone Apps: Office and Personal Productivity. PC World. Mike Heck, January 6, 2009.
iPhone applications get down to business: InfoWorld picks the best iPhone apps for connecting with business systems and boosting mobile productivity. InfoWorld. Mike Heck, January 5, 2009.
Muskelminnet styr mobilens nya skrivsätt. Dagens Nyheter (Sweden). Mats Lewan, November 12, 2008.
- Glöm knappandet! Ny Teknik (Sweden). Mats Lewan, November 12, 2008.
- IBM en pince pour l'App Store. MacGeneration (France, syndication). Florian Innocente, October 9, 2008.
IBM Researchers Using iPhone App Store as Test Bed. Wired. Priya Ganapati, October 7, 2008.
- Neue Eingabemethode für Touchscreens. ComputerWoche (Germany). September 11, 2008.
Top iPhone Applications. Time Magazine. August 19, 2008. (Time ranked ShapeWriter, here called "WritingPad", as the 8th best iPhone application in the world).
Wörter schreiben mit Linien. Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Germany). July 28, 2008.
- ShapeWrite: Mobile Eingabe mit 60 bis 70 Wörter pro Minute. Idealo News (Germany). July 28, 2008.
Schneller Tippen auf dem iPhone: Von Buchstabe zu Buchstabe fahren und weniger Fehler machen. Golem.de (Germany). July 25, 2008.
- Sms-tummen får en vilopaus. Språktidningen (Sweden). Maria Arnstad, April 10, 2008.
- Formsäker penna tar över tangentbordet. Computer Sweden. Anders Lotsson, September 14, 2007.
- Slut på fumlandet på mobilen? Allt om Vetenskap (Sweden). September 11, 2007.
Dra ett streck över din sms-tumme. Aftonbladet (Sweden). Stefan Holm, August 2, 2007.
- Svensk revolutionerar SMS. Ny Teknik (Sweden). Charlotta von Schultz, August 2, 2007.
- Svensk metod skriver sms snabbare. Elektroniktidningen (Sweden). Jan Tångring, August 2, 2007.
Snabbare sms med ny teknik. Sveriges Radio P1, Vetenskapsradion (Sweden's national radio station). Johan Thorstenson, July 30, 2007.
- Slut på tidskrävande SMS. Östgöta Correspondenten (Sweden). Sofia Tanaka, July 18, 2007.
- Sms - skrivet med penna. Norrköpings Tidningar (Sweden). Lisa Karlsson, July 16, 2007.
- Slut på fumliga sms. Norrköpings Tidningar (Sweden). Lisa Karlsson, July 13, 2007.
IBM research projects cover SOA, Web 2.0 InfoWorld . Paul Krill, January 31, 2007.
- Look Ma, No Buttons. BusinessWeek. Olga Kharif, January 29, 2007.
Happy birthday to who? Or rather, what? San Francisco Chronicle (The Tech Chronicles). Tom Abate, May 31, 2006.
- DIY Phone Club Channels PC Past. Wired. Elizabeth Biddlecombe, May 19, 2006.
- Snabb textinmatning äntligen här! Kanske. Forskning & Framsteg (Sweden). Jussi Karlgren, February 27, 2006.
- Schneller Schreiben mit überfahrenen Buchstaben. Produktion (Germany). February 23, 2006.
- Schneller Schreiben mit überfahrenen Buchstaben. new-worXs: Das Virtuelle Trendmagazin für neue Arbeitswelten (Germany). February 7, 2006.
Taking on QWERTY's illogic. CNET Asia. January 3, 2006.
- Innovativ: der "ShapeWriter". Bild der Wissenschaft (Germany). February, 2006.
A sight for sore thumbs?. The Economist. December 8, 2005.
- Újfajta jelírás minikijelzőkre. Világgazdaság (Hungary). October 28, 2005.
- IBM shapes text entry. Ability Magazine. October, 10, 2005.
- Don't tap, trace. IEEE Pervasive. Eyal de Lara and Keith Farkas, October, 2005.
- Close to Silicon Valley: Almaden, an IBM R&D Center, is a hotbed for the technologies that will prevail in coming years. Popular Mechanics. October, 2005.
- SHARK is now ShapeWriter. jkOnTheRun (top 10 tech blog). James Kendrick, Sep 16, 2005.
- Memory key to PDA writing. NewTech. David, September 12, 2005.
L'écriture sans clavier réinventée. L'Usine nouvelle (France). Luc Mathieu, September 8, 2005.
- Neues Eingabeverfahren soll digitales Schreiben erleichtern. Stern Shortnews (Germany). September 6, 2005.
Digitales Kalligrafie. Die Zeit (Germany). Niels Boeing, September 1, 2005.
- Digitales Kalligrafie. wissenschaft-online (Germany, syndication). September 1, 2005.
- Pihuarvutikiirkiri. SL Õhtuleht (Estonia). Arved Mahtra, August 22, 2005.
- IBM's SHARK Shorthand for Handhelds Increases Input Efficiency. Embedded Handhelds. August 19, 2005.
- Phan mem noi chu thong minh cho PDA. VnExpress (Vietnam). August 17, 2005.
- Phan mem noi chu thong minh cho PDA. Vietbao (Vietnam). August 16, 2005.
- SHARK: eine revolutionäre Eingabemethode für Touchscreens. Area Magazine. B. Albert, August 16, 2005.
- IBM follows the script for text entry. Electronics Weekly. Richard Wilson, August 16, 2005.
Shark: Why do people like this gadget-geek gimmick?. ComputerWorld. Frank Hayes, August 15, 2005.
- IBM follows the script for text entry. Electronics News (Syndication). August 15, 2005.
- On Screen. The Engineer. August 15, 2005.
- On Screen. What's New @ IEEE for Students (Syndication). August 15, 2005.
- IBM tests SHARK for text input. Platinax Internet News. August 15, 2005.
- Ny input standard til PDA. newz.dk (Denmark). August 15, 2005.
- IBM komt met nieuwe typemethode voor handheld. Tweakers (Netherlands). Mick de Neeve, August 15, 2005.
Total recall boosts PDA writing. BBC News World Edition. Alfred Hermidia, August 15, 2005.
- Total recall boosts PDA writing. Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting News Network (Syndication). August 15, 2005.
- IBM:ltä ennustava virtuaalinäppäimistö mobiliililaitteille. ITviiko (Finland). August 12, 2005.
Writing tool wants pen to be mightier than the keyboard. The San Diego Union-Tribune. Mike Langberg, August 8, 2005.
- New Technique Makes Typing Text Messages Faster and Easier. What's New @ IEEE in Communications 6, August 8, 2005.
- SHARKSPEAK. Sun Journal (Syndication). Mike Langberg, August 7, 2005.
- IBM creates new PDA gesture language. Notebook News. Stephen Adams, August, 2005.
- Draw your words on new key layout. Sunday Gazette - Mail. Mike Langberg, July 31, 2005.
Do not ditch the stylus just yet. New Scientist. Clint Witchalls, July 30, 2005.
Shark streamlines writing interfaces. The Irish Times. July 29, 2005.
- SHARK tales from IBM's labs. Computing. James Watson, July 27, 2005.
- SHARK tales from IBM's labs. vnunet.com (Syndication). July 27, 2005.
- SHARK tales from IBM's labs. WhatPC? (Syndication). July 27, 2005.
Supercharged Pointing, Clicking, And Tapping. InformationWeek. Bill O'Brien, July 27, 2005.
Kurzschrift für Mini-Monitore. Handelsblatt (Germany). Von Gala Conrad and Rudi Kulzer, July 25, 2005.
- Kurzschrift für Mini-Monitore. NEWS Frankfurt (Germany, syndication). July 25, 2005.
- Skriv fortere med ord-grafitti. ComputerWorld (Norway). Arne Søiland, July 22, 2005.
- Skriv fortere med ord-grafitti. PC World Norge (Norway, syndication). July 22, 2005.
New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. San Jose Mercury News. Mike Langberg, July 15, 2005.
New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Seattle Times (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Allentown Morning Call (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Bradenton Herald (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Macon Telegraph (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Biloxi Sun Herald (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Kentucky.com (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Centre Daily Times (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. The Miami Herald (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Grand Forks Herald (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Myrtle Beach Sun News (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Kansas City Star (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Monterey Country Herald (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Columbus Ledger-Enquirer (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Duluth News Tribute (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Tallahassee.com (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Pioneer Press (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. San Luis Obispo Tribune (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. IT ToolBox (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. CRM Knowledge Base (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. Times Leader (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- New Way of Writing - Text entry software spells relief for weary Blackberry thumbs. GM Today (Syndication). July 15, 2005.
- Text Entry Software Spells Relief for Weary Blackberry Thumbs. IT BusinessEdge. July 15, 2005.
Neue Texteingabe: In Luft Gemeisselt. MacWelt (Germany). July 13, 2005.
- Vereinfachte Texteingabe für mobile Geräte. ComputerWelt (Germany). Oliver Weiss, July 12, 2005.
New-Age Keyboard: Trace, Don't Write . ACM Tech News (Syndication). July 13, 2005.
- Snabbare inmatning med "stenografi". Mobil (Sweden). Henrik Thoresson, July 13, 2005.
Cellulari sempre più "smart" con la tastiera virtuale. Corriere della Sera (Italy). Alessandra Carboni, July 13, 2005.
- IBM Innovation Matters. IBM. July 13, 2005.
- Neue Texteingabe: In Luft gemeisselt. Computerwoche (Germany). July 12, 2005.
- IBM:ltä ennustava virtuaalinäppäimistö mobiililaitteille. DigiToday (Finland). Matias Mäki, July 12, 2005.
High-tech keyboard takes cue from Etch-a-Sketch. CNET UK. Michael Kanellos and Ina Fried. July 12, 2005.
- IBM baut intuitive Tastatur für Smartphones. silicon.de (Germany). July 12, 2005.
New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. CNET News. Michael Kanellos and Ina Fried. Jul 11, 2005.
- New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. CNET Japan (Syndication). July 11, 2005.
- New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. CNET Australia (Syndication). July 11, 2005.
New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. ZDNet (Syndication). July 11, 2005.
- New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. ZDNet Asia (Syndication). July 11, 2005.
- New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. ZDNet India (Syndication). July 11, 2005.
- New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. ZDNet Korea (Syndication). July 11, 2005.
- New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. ZDNet Russia (Syndication). July 11, 2005.
New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. Yahoo News Japan (Syndication). July 11, 2005.
- New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. PhysOrg (Syndication). July 11, 2005.
- New-age keyboard: Trace, don't write. neowin.net (Syndication). July 11, 2005.
- Snabbare textinmatning. Naturvetaren (Sweden). Kim Bergström, April 22, 2005.
Shark tale a new word for keyboard. Australian Financial Review. November 16, 2004.
Trying to Make the Pen as Mighty as the Keyboard. ACM Tech News (Syndication). November 12, 2004.
- Next generation of pen-based interfaces emerging. Engadget. Joshua Frulinger, November 11, 2004.
- Trying to make the pen as mighty as the keyboard. CNET News (Syndication). November 11, 2004.
Trying to Make the Pen as Mighty as the Keyboard. The New York Times. Aaron Ricadela, November 11, 2004.
Trying to Make the Pen as Mighty as the Keyboard. The Globe and Mail (Syndication). November 11, 2004.
- Text Entry Epiphany for the Tablet PC - SHARK. jkOnTheRun (top 10 tech blog). James Kendrick, Nov 3, 2004.
Shorthand-Aided Rapid Keyboarding. slashdot.org. October 28, 2004.
- Itt a SHARK az IBM ùj adatbeviteli technològiàja. PDAMania (Hungary). Szarka Pèter, October 27, 2004.
- Hjärnan bästa verktyget. Computer Sweden (Sweden). Anders Lotsson. September 17, 2004.
User Interfaces: The next generation. InfoWorld. Jaikumar Vijayan, August 9, 2004.
- Handheld challenges. Emergic. Keith Knutsson, April 10, 2003.
Making more of handhelds. Seattle Times (Syndication). April 9, 2003.
Making more of handhelds. Arizona Star (Syndication). April 9, 2003.
Making more of handhelds. San Jose Mercury News. Dan Gillmor, April 9, 2003.